Jessica L Morgan DVM |
Minnesota, Kansas & California
Jessica was lucky enough to grow up in a family that was always on the go with sports and animal related activities in central Minnesota. Early on, she showed her dog in obedience and horses in 4-H and open arenas.
As a member of the MN High School Rodeo Association for 4 years, she competed in Team Roping (header), Break-a-way Roping, Goat Tying, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending and Cutting. She was the MN High School Rodeo Queen. Jessica attended Horseshoeing School after high school. She had been trimming her own ponies since she was 13. For her; it was a logical compliment to the education of an equine practitioner. While attending horseshoeing school, she met her husband of 28 years, Dallas W. Morgan, CJF. Kansas Together they moved to Kansas to complete her Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science and Industry at Kansas State University. She was the KSU women’s Rodeo team captain, a scholarship Goat Tyer and Miss Rodeo K-State. In 1997 she graduated from Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. California After an internship in Equine Medicine and Surgery at a private equine practice in Southern California she remained to operate a solo equine practice for five years. She continued her quest for a well rounded equine practitioner's education by completing the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society courses in canine and equine Acupuncture. She holds certification with the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association since 1997. In California she was introduced to high performance Dressage, Show Jumping and Eventing that evoked a whole new mindset for riding possibilities. |
New York
Morgan Equine Veterinary and Farrier Hospital in the Finger Lakes region of central New York was developed in 2003. The property, originally a winery, on 60 acres was transformed into an equine hospital and eventing schooling course. Development of this facility was a very personal experience. Dallas and Jessica have done most of the work themselves.
Dr. Morgan's desire to focus on lameness diagnostic techniques was fulfilled by becoming a certified member of the International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology by qualifying to sit for examination, prepare and defend case presentations, critically review and present scientific articles and pass a written, visual & practical examination. The intensive program led by Professor Jean Marie Denoix of France provides contemporary knowledge and techniques in the continually evolving field of equine locomotor analysis to better prepare the equine clinician to understand and manage lameness conditions in the equine athlete. As a certified member, she has served as an ISELP wet lab instructor for ISELP courses in Canada, England, The Netherlands and in the US. Through the development of Morgan Equine into a lameness center and the commitment to become ISELP's first certified female member in 2010, Dr. Morgan realized there were communication gaps based on current knowledge between Veterinarians and Farriers that worked both ways. Working with Dallas Morgan, CJF she developed lameness anatomy, diagnostic and therapeutic lectures that help bridge the gap. The Morgan's have been invited both domestically and abroad to present their experiences. Most notably, they presented 6 lectures through out Australia and New Zealand for Mustad Australia in a two week time frame. A firm believer in sampling the local culture and flair, upstate New York has allowed her to dabble in fox hunting, hunter paces, indoor polo and miles of fabulous trail riding. In preparation to get back to serious horse competition, Jessica spent time training with Eventing Olympian Phillip Dutton and Boyd and Silva Martin in Pennsylvania at both the 2008 summer and fall eventing camps. Teamed up with a kind and talented 15 year old Gray Thoroughbred gelding named Gundawyndi Gray, Jessica had a very successful USEA competitive Novice eventing season. A move up to Training level eventing was anticipated before she endured an unfortunate and complicated neck surgery in 2012 to decompress her spine. After three years of recovery, she has found an amazingly comfortable and talented Westphalian Mare named Happy Feet. They are currently working to form a harmonious partnership. Besides attempting eventing nirvana in all three phases, her hobbies include learning languages and playing the piano in the winter, gardening in the spring and traveling any time she can. The Morgan's have visited Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, England, Fiji, Germany, Hawaii, Honduras, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and many islands of the Caribbean. |
Morgan Equine, Ocala Florida
During the winter, the Morgan's can be found working, or roaming cross country fields in Ocala.
How are Jessica and Happy Feet doing?
In the beginning, it was a long road, as my recovery from spinal decompression surgery was slow. It felt good to get back into saddle! We were lucky to spend the 2016 winter in Ocala FL. The sun and warm weather really made all the difference to me. We started slow in January and gradually increased the fitness, then dressage work and finally added jumping to the daily work. We've been very pleased with Happy's performance. It's important to us that she have a good experience every time she goes out and that has allowed her to move along at her own pace and let us know when she is ready for more.
She went to three horse trials, where she finished first in the dressage, was double clear in the stadium and on cross country securing the division win at all three. She has been to two recognized dressage shows. We have learned a tremendous amount through those experiences. I think the evidence was in our best dressage score to date at Bucks County Horse Trial where we scored a 22.3 or 77.7%. It was the lowest dressage and finishing score (good in eventing) of all 101 entries.
In 2017 Happy sustained an injury to her Stifle. A full spectrum of sports medicine and therapy was instituted. I took her to Florida for the 2019 winter season to start exercise therapy. Trail riding through the Goethe forest was a lovely way to start the day!
When we returned to NY and started to add performance fitness, it was clear that Happy was not Happy. She has been retired as a broodmare and is in foal to the KWPN Stallion Waterford. We think she will be a great momma and produce lovely performance horses with talent and incredible style.
She went to three horse trials, where she finished first in the dressage, was double clear in the stadium and on cross country securing the division win at all three. She has been to two recognized dressage shows. We have learned a tremendous amount through those experiences. I think the evidence was in our best dressage score to date at Bucks County Horse Trial where we scored a 22.3 or 77.7%. It was the lowest dressage and finishing score (good in eventing) of all 101 entries.
In 2017 Happy sustained an injury to her Stifle. A full spectrum of sports medicine and therapy was instituted. I took her to Florida for the 2019 winter season to start exercise therapy. Trail riding through the Goethe forest was a lovely way to start the day!
When we returned to NY and started to add performance fitness, it was clear that Happy was not Happy. She has been retired as a broodmare and is in foal to the KWPN Stallion Waterford. We think she will be a great momma and produce lovely performance horses with talent and incredible style.
2016 Competitions
Date Event or Show Level Dressage Placing
3/16 Florida Horse Park Horse Trial Intro 27.8 ( 72.2%) 1st
6/16 WNYDA Spring Dressage 1 1st T1 64.815% 4th
6/16 WYNDA Spring Dressage 1 1st T3 64.118% 2nd
6/16 WNYDA Spring Dressage 2 1st T1 68.519% 4th
6/16 WNYDA Spring Dressage 2 1st T3 67.059% 3rd
6/16 GVRDC Spring Horse Trial BN 30 (70%) 1st
6/16 Cayuga Schooling Dressage 1st T1 67.963% 3rd
6/16 Cayuga Schooling Dressage 1st T3 64.412% 2nd
6/16 Cayuga Dressage & CT Show 1st T1 69.444% 2nd
6/16 Bucks County Horse Trial BN 22.3 (77.7%) 1st
Date Event or Show Level Dressage Placing
3/16 Florida Horse Park Horse Trial Intro 27.8 ( 72.2%) 1st
6/16 WNYDA Spring Dressage 1 1st T1 64.815% 4th
6/16 WYNDA Spring Dressage 1 1st T3 64.118% 2nd
6/16 WNYDA Spring Dressage 2 1st T1 68.519% 4th
6/16 WNYDA Spring Dressage 2 1st T3 67.059% 3rd
6/16 GVRDC Spring Horse Trial BN 30 (70%) 1st
6/16 Cayuga Schooling Dressage 1st T1 67.963% 3rd
6/16 Cayuga Schooling Dressage 1st T3 64.412% 2nd
6/16 Cayuga Dressage & CT Show 1st T1 69.444% 2nd
6/16 Bucks County Horse Trial BN 22.3 (77.7%) 1st

Fall 2016 Cayuga Dressage & Combine Training Newsletter
The Queen Award honoring Donna Young's beloved mare Adel Arikka
Happy Feet, known at home as "The Mare" is a 9 year old registered Westphalen. She was awarded The Queen Award at the conclusion of the CDCT Recognized Dressage Show at Chemung County Fairgrounds on Sunday June 12, 2016.
Happy's sire is Trekhaner Licensed Stallion Herzberg. Early in Herzberg's career he competed in both mid level dressage and high level jumping competitions in Germany. In the early 2000's he was brought to the US to compete in the Grand Prix Dressage American Tour. He returned to Germany in 2011 to retire and passed at 21 years old in Germany in 2014.
I imported Happy in March of 2015 from Toronto Canada. We were able to get accustomed to each other for about 2 months before I was required to take a medical hiatus. We resumed riding this January in Ocala Florida and have been riding nearly every day. We cross train with a fairly detailed schedule where we jump once a week, fitness training once to twice a week and work in the dressage court the remainder of the week.
Happy and I won her first horse trial in Florida at the Florida Horse Park and recently won her first USEA recognized horse trial in Genesseo Valley at the GVRDC Spring Horse Trial earlier this month. She finished on her dressage score on both occasions winning the dressage in her division. I have competed her at two recognized dressage shows at first level and have been pleased with her performance with scores ranging from 64% to 68%. They are my first recognized USDF shows, so I've been a bit nervous about learning tests and managing the shows by myself. I've learned so much just by entering and competing!
In the time that I have ridden Happy she has brought my riding to another level. I am grateful for the opportunity to be riding a talented mare. We have much work to do but I think we are both up to the challenge.
It's humbling to receive an award that has such heartfelt meaning. It will be an honor to carry Donna's lovely mare's memory forward.
The Queen Award honoring Donna Young's beloved mare Adel Arikka
Happy Feet, known at home as "The Mare" is a 9 year old registered Westphalen. She was awarded The Queen Award at the conclusion of the CDCT Recognized Dressage Show at Chemung County Fairgrounds on Sunday June 12, 2016.
Happy's sire is Trekhaner Licensed Stallion Herzberg. Early in Herzberg's career he competed in both mid level dressage and high level jumping competitions in Germany. In the early 2000's he was brought to the US to compete in the Grand Prix Dressage American Tour. He returned to Germany in 2011 to retire and passed at 21 years old in Germany in 2014.
I imported Happy in March of 2015 from Toronto Canada. We were able to get accustomed to each other for about 2 months before I was required to take a medical hiatus. We resumed riding this January in Ocala Florida and have been riding nearly every day. We cross train with a fairly detailed schedule where we jump once a week, fitness training once to twice a week and work in the dressage court the remainder of the week.
Happy and I won her first horse trial in Florida at the Florida Horse Park and recently won her first USEA recognized horse trial in Genesseo Valley at the GVRDC Spring Horse Trial earlier this month. She finished on her dressage score on both occasions winning the dressage in her division. I have competed her at two recognized dressage shows at first level and have been pleased with her performance with scores ranging from 64% to 68%. They are my first recognized USDF shows, so I've been a bit nervous about learning tests and managing the shows by myself. I've learned so much just by entering and competing!
In the time that I have ridden Happy she has brought my riding to another level. I am grateful for the opportunity to be riding a talented mare. We have much work to do but I think we are both up to the challenge.
It's humbling to receive an award that has such heartfelt meaning. It will be an honor to carry Donna's lovely mare's memory forward.